Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Rock on!

The next stage in my model railway was to add a tunnel section, the idea was to create a cliff edge across the rear quarter with space for a small airbase on top of the cliff and the train track tunnel section going into the cliff. I found an old sheet of blue insulation foam so used this to form my rocky outcrop.


This section is open from behind so de-railed trains can be recovered if required. I went with the following method to create the rocks which seemed to work well:
  1. Shape and form of the rock formations created by cutting blue insulation foam board to shape and gluing together using PVA.
  2. Rock like texture added by 'attacking' the blue foam with a saw/knife/fingernails, basically just tear it up! I tried to stick to straight line patterns to create the look I was after.
  3. Add some 'mud' to hide joins and add further texture. The 'mud' was created by mixing plaster, sand and PVA.
  4. Base coat the whole lot. I used a grey primer I had lying around, this acted as a good seal and base colour.
  5. Dark wash and light high-light(s) to bring out the texture. I used acrylic paints here with a black wash and light grey then white highlights.
  6. Finish of with a bit of mossy foliage.