Monday, 20 May 2013

Acylic varnish nightmare...

So I came across a couple of old models I must have made about 20 yrs ago (now I feel old!), they were not amazing quality but worth salvaging, models were the airfix airfield emergency set, a fire truck and an ambulance, I figured if I could tart them up a bit they'd go nicely on my airfield section I'm planning for a corner of my railway layout.

Both models were very dusty but this cleaned off ok with a damp paintbrush, some parts were damaged but after a bit of gluing and filling they were ok. They were basically painted so my plan was to do some washes and drybrushing and see how they turned out.

First up was the ambulance which didn't turn out to bad, its not the best but from a distance looks good, my highlighting style is pretty extreme (too much time spent painting space marines!) but I like the effect. Originally the model was a light brown colour so I washed with a darker brown, then dry-brushed light brown, yellow, then white, in decreasing amounts. Finally the larger panels were repainted to get rid of wayward dry-brushing and the model was given a coat of matt varnish (Hornby spray varnish).

Next up was my fire truck, I followed a similar process but this time because the paint job wasn't very good a re-did the base coat with a gloss red (enamel paint) before washing and dry-brushing with acrylic (purely because of the various colours I had available). You wont be able to tell from the phot but it looked quite good!

Finally I sprayed with Hornby Acrylic varnish........ then to my horror all the paintwork blistered, almost instantly. This resulted in one ruined model which is now sin the bin!

I'm assuming that the acrylic varnish reacted with the enamel paint.

A bit of Google research and this problem is mentioned on a number of sites including here
 Seems the solvent in the acrylic varnish causes the reaction, chalk this one up to experience. Going forward I think I will avoid using enamel paints, my experience with painting miniatures using acrylics has definitely converted me, easier to clean, quicker to dry and I don't really like the high gloss finish that enamels can achieve anyway.

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